Archer Resources

Find important links and a special archery equipment discount below ~ just for you.

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Helpful Links for Archers

OAS Archery Equipment Discount

OAS would like to thank Lancaster Archery Supply for their generous offer of discounted prices for schools in our program. Through our schools, thousands of students are able to participate in Olympic-style archery and Lancaster’s support will aid us in maintaining and expanding our programs.

If you would like to purchase equipment discounted at 10%, please do the following:

STEP 1) Complete the Lancaster Archery Supply Student Account Form and save the document to your device.
STEP 2) Send completed form to OAS@esdf.org
STEP 3) This information will then be sent to Lancaster so that they can set-up an online account for you on their website. Instructions for registering your account will soon be sent to you via email.
STEP 4) Once your account is finalized you will be able to make purchases online.